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by 贾斯汀Duca
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布拉格是一座美丽的马赛克建筑, 艺术, 博物馆, 商店, 还有餐馆等等, so much so that it was voted as the most beautiful city in the world. 布拉格 is not shy of any amazing places to hang out at, relax, or get a great bite to eat. There is always something around every corner for you to go and experience, and I will be sharing just some of the many places I love to go to while I’ve been living and 布拉格留学


首先要做的, 布拉格 has hands-down some of the most amazing and beautiful architecture in the world, and it feels like you are absolutely living in a fairytale walking around the streets here. One of those magical places to see is 布拉格 Castle, located right next to Anglo-American University. 布拉格城堡拥有布拉格最美的景色. Once you make the climb to the top, you get a breathtaking view of the city. 布拉格 Castle is a complex featuring all sorts of architectural styles, the current residence of the President of the 捷克共和国, 以及布拉格城堡花园. There is also Villa Richter Palace and Vineyard right nearby where one can sit down and enjoy a nice meal and get incredible views of the whole city overlooking the vineyards. On the other hand moving away from the touristy area of 布拉格 Castle there is diagonally across the Vltava from 布拉格 Castle is Vyšehrad Castle, 布拉格一个经常被忽视的地区. The castle complex features amazing views of 布拉格 as well, but also the chance to learn about Czech fairy tales and myths, 看到一个满是著名捷克人的墓地, 还可以去城堡周围的公园游玩. 说到伏尔塔瓦河, 那里有很多我喜欢做的事情, including sitting near the riverbanks watching the animals in the river, 坐船或租一艘脚踏船, 还可以坐在河上的各个岛屿上. 


我个人喜欢布拉格的美景, so two more places I absolutely love going to are Petrin Hill and the Metronome. Petrin Hill is right next to 布拉格 Castle and features all sorts of walking trails, 上下山上的缆车, 和一座类似埃菲尔铁塔的塔. 布拉格人称这座塔为捷克埃菲尔铁塔, and it even is said that the height of the hill and the tower combined is as tall as the actual Eiffel Tower. Petrin Hill is absolutely beautiful during any time of year, from the vibrant times of summer and spring to as I’m writing this right now, 哪里充满了美丽的红色阴影, 黄色的, 和橙色. 这里一直是我最喜欢去坐的地方, 读, 四处走动, 在布拉格休息的时候放松一下. 然后, 另一个地方是节拍器, which is quite literally a giant working metronome on top of a hill near the Vltava River and again gives 伟大的观点 of 布拉格. 另外,它旁边还有一家很棒的小咖啡馆. 最后, 我不仅喜欢布拉格的景色, but all these places are surrounded by parks which are all over 布拉格 and have restaurants, 咖啡馆, 步行和跑步路径, 伟大的观点, 艺术, and just offer a great place to enjoy the outdoors in the middle of the city. 


Moving on from all those views there are places around 布拉格 that I really love going to. 布拉格周围有很多很棒的餐馆, but some of my absolute favorites are literally right next to my ap艺术ment building: Hlucna Samota (friendly, welcoming atmosphere with really good Czech Food), Zluta Pumpa (一家墨西哥餐馆),以及 奶酪面包上地壳 (American sandwich and burger themed restaurant, but with a twist on the food). 我最喜欢的咖啡馆包括巧克力咖啡馆, 3号咖啡馆, Ouky Douky, Bageterie大道, Kafe Francin, 红辣椒, 约翰尼披萨, 伯纳德的酒吧, 维诺拉德斯基议会以及其他许多地方. 这些是一系列的菜系和食物选择, 但都是值得一去的好地方, 其中很多我都去过不止一次. 


最后, just a great way to get food around 布拉格 – from snacks to stuff to make a whole meal to everything else in between – are Potravinys and Mini M艺术s. They are all over 布拉格 and are handy places to get anything you might need. Just where I live alone, there are four that I go to when I need quite literally anything. The people who work there always light up when we walk in, because they have gotten to know us over the course of this semester. 

整体, I could go on forever about all the things to do that I love in 布拉格, but what I listed are just some of my most favorite things around the city. Exploring the city is the best way to just see everything, 找到我上面提到的所有这些地方. There are tons of accounts on Instagram and websites to find out about all sorts of festivals, 表演, 画廊, 食品展览, 在布拉格也有很多. No matter what you are looking for – from great restaurants and views to festivals – there is always something amazing to do in the most beautiful city in the world: 布拉格.

贾斯汀Duca 2021年秋季CEA MOJO博主在布拉格吗, 捷克共和国, 目前在特拉华大学学习.
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