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Good Views and Kangaroos I Found While Studying Abroad in 澳大利亚

by 杰森幸福
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最近, 通过东航卡帕宝博体育, I had the privilege to go to both the 悉尼羽毛谷野生动物园 and visit the 蓝山.


Our first stop was the Featherdale Wildlife Park. Upon arrival, we were instantly greeted by wallabies just hopping around waiting to get fed. I was caught up and forgot how much of the park was left to see because of how cute these little guys were. I thought to myself, there is no way it can get better than this, but it just kept getting better. The next section was where the koalas were, and they were so cool that they didn’t even look real. The koalas were so fluffy that I thought they were just stuffed animals.  


Just when I thought that’d be the highlight of the day, I was wrong again. There were kangaroos and joeys we chilled with and fed. 这个,还有 在悉尼留学和宝博体育, was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me, and for sure a bucket-list item. I’ve always wanted to see a kangaroo, but actually petting and feeding one was amazing. I spent the majority of our time feeding all the kangaroos I could. There were even moments when multiple kangaroos would fight and push each other to get some of the food, 这很搞笑.  


There were so many different animals that I hadn’t heard of but loved. For example, there were tree kangaroos, which I had no idea existed. However, I also saw a bunch of animals native to 澳大利亚 like the saltwater crocodile, the dingo, and the quokkas which might be the cutest animal to exist. 总之, I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience during my time at the Featherdale Wildlife Park, 这还不是旅程的终点.  


接下来是蓝山. Our tour guide called it the Grand Canyon with trees, and it was that and much more. It was a mind-blowing view with tons of rich history behind it.  


When we arrived at the entrances to the trails they were in the middle of a controlled burn of part of the area. This was an incredible sight to see and the tour guide explained that wildfires are very dangerous in 澳大利亚 so it is important to do these controlled burns. Most of the trees causing these fires are the eucalyptus trees, they shed thin bark and it just sits on the ground waiting to burn.  

Since they were in the middle of the controlled burn we weren’t able to do all the trails we were intending on doing, 然而, 我们还是有一些很棒的景色. Most of the trails were on the side of the mountain with really cool walkways to get to different lookout points. I was amazed to hear that only around 10% of the mountains have been explored. This peaked my interest as I am sure there is so much more to these mountains that we do not know about.  

Smoke arising from a controlled burn area around a mountain.

多么美好的一天! 蓝山上有很多小径, I definitely will make my way back to check out more of them. 

杰森幸福 is an official blogger for Summer ‘23, sharing his story in frequent posts on our blog. A Marketing and Supply Chain 管理 major at University of Pittsburgh, he is 在悉尼留学和宝博体育 this semester. All views expressed are his own and may or may not reflect the experiences of other students.
杰森幸福 内容创造者-博主.
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