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Guide to Studying Abroad in 布拉格 Without Speaking 捷克

by 帕克彼得森
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Although I didn’t know any 捷克 going into my eight week 留学项目, language wasn't a barrier to experiencing the culture in the 捷克共和国. 在成长过程中,学校提供的唯一语言选择是西班牙语和法语. I took Spanish and am conversational in it, and Spanish/French/Italian/Latin have some similarities, so they’re easier to understand and learn. 捷克, 然而, is a very different language from English and Spanish, so I had no experience with it. 我试着下载 Duolingo and learning 捷克 before studying abroad 布拉格, but it was too difficult to learn in such a short time. Going into my experience abroad, I knew I couldn't speak 捷克 with the locals, but I didn’t see this as a setback in my experience. 我知道我有办法和那里的人交流,即使有语言障碍. 

A group of study abroad students posing for a photo


Learning the Most Basic Words 

知道一些最基本的捷克语单词帮助我与人们建立联系,让他们知道我试图学习他们的文化. Upon arriving in 布拉格, 东航卡帕 held an orientation for all the students, 在那里我们认识了一些人,了解了接下来的八周我们要做什么. 在培训期间,他们教了我们一些最基本和最重要的捷克语单词和短语. We learned “hello”: ahoj, “你好”:dobrý den, “谢谢你”:德鲁克, “I don’t speak 捷克”: nemluvím česky, 还有一些其他的.  

Having a basic 捷克 vocabulary was very helpful, because every time I entered a store, 咖啡馆, 或建筑, I said “dobrý den” and when I left, I said “děkuji” and the locals seemed to appreciate it. 大多数当地人都知道我和我的朋友是美国人,不懂捷克语, 但他们喜欢我们用他们的语言说你好和谢谢. 

Experiencing the 文化 During Class 

暑假期间,我在布拉格上了两门海外课程:线性代数和“布拉格黄金之城:过去与现在”,” which was an art history class. In my Golden City class, 我们通过亲身体验了解了布拉格的文化和历史. 我真的很感激每一天的课程,我们有一个“实地考察”在布拉格不同的地方.

A building with many windows

St. 在我们去布拉格城堡的一次班级旅行中看到的维特斯大教堂. 

We went to castles, museums, monasteries, churches, and more. It was really cool to see the culture of 布拉格 in real life, rather than just learning about it in the classroom. 这是一个很好的方式来了解更多关于布拉格,体验文化和历史,同时也获得学分的课程. 我们也不需要在课堂上说捷克语,因为课程是用英语授课的,我们的老师翻译了我们需要知道的所有重要信息. 我瞥见了布拉格当地人的生活,那真是太难忘了. 

A large building with many arches and a skylight

The National Museum from one of our class field trips.

Experiencing the 文化 on my Own 

我认为体验一种新文化的最好方法之一就是走出去,做当地人正在做的事情. 我的室友和我真的试图通过离开我们的公寓,不断地去新的地方,让自己沉浸在捷克文化中. 我们尝试了许多不同的餐馆、咖啡馆、公园、啤酒花园等等. 我们想要像当地人一样生活,做他们每天做的事情. 几乎每天上课前,我都会去不同的咖啡馆品尝当地的咖啡和糕点.

Two drinks on a table next to textbooks and notebooks.

Studying for my Linear Algebra midterm at 玫瑰拿铁咖啡.

I found so many good spots and my favorite, 玫瑰拿铁咖啡, was right near my apartment. 店主不太会说英语,但他对我很好,做了我喝过的最好的拿铁之一. I also went to a local gym in 布拉格, 伊克斯托健身, which was a really good gym and around $8 for a day pass. 我和那里的捷克人交流,像当地人一样体验生活.  

My 留学朋友 我还喜欢去公园和啤酒花园看日落,很多当地人都这样做. 我们最喜欢的是Riegrovy Sady和Letna(都有美丽的公园和啤酒花园)。. We walked there for sunset, 几百条毯子上坐满了人们一边聊天,一边喝着比尔森啤酒和苹果酒,一边看日落. 我们还去了布拉格不同的餐厅,体验了捷克人每天的日常饮食. We didn’t eat a ton of traditional 捷克 food, 但布拉格有很多不同的餐厅可供选择,有各种各样的美食. 我们最喜欢的一家是位于维诺拉迪的墨西哥餐厅Zluta Pumpa.  

A group of people sitting on grass in a park

Watching the sunset with my friends at Riegrovy Sady.

Welcoming 文化 in 布拉格 

我仍然记得有一次我离开学校,准备乘电车回家, but it started downpouring out of nowhere. 雨下得比我所见过的还要大,我不得不找地方避雨,因为我已经湿透了. 我在一个小市场里停了一会儿,买了些零食,等着雨停. 店主根本不会说英语,但他示意我坐在他的椅子上. 我告诉他没关系,我马上就走,但问他有没有伞. 他没有,但他脱下帽子,提出要把它给我. 我很感激,但坚持说我没事,不需要他的帽子. 那人坚持要我离开,不拿起他的帽子避雨, and I really appreciated the gesture.

A study abroad student wearing a hat


我认为这个故事确实展示了社区和文化的力量, and how I connect with people without speaking their language. 

帕克彼得森 is the Summer 2023 校友大使 in 布拉格, 捷克共和国, and is currently studying at University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
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