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by Siah Potts
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酒, 奶酪, and bread are what come to mind when French food is the subject of conversation, 作为一个无谷蛋白的旅行者, 我预料到在我的决定中会遇到一些挑战 宝博体育 in 艾克斯、法国. While one cannot reduce the richness of French culture to these three things, 在刻板印象中,这些元素是有道理的, 尤其是面包, 是否与日常生活交织在一起 法国. The outlook isn’t entirely accommodating being a gluten-free individual living in 法国, but I’m here to share my experience and encourage you along the way. 


我住在美国的时候,已经有四年不吃谷蛋白了.S.他曾在墨西哥生活过一段时间,现在又去了法国! 我可以忍受交叉污染, 当我吃小麦产品时,我的身体通常会发炎. Through choosing a gluten-free diet, my quality of living has been heightened. I’m now intentional about what I put into my body and my health consciousness has progressed.  


无谷蛋白面包的圣杯! Everything is so beautiful I'm always swept up in a sudden urge to become a baker. 

这并不是说这是一条容易走的路. 在很多方面, culture and community may rely on food to bring people together and it’s not attainable for me to simply “eat whatever is placed before me.” I learned to be upfront about my needs and to offer solutions so that I can share a part of the connection! We’re pleasantly living in a world that’s progressing towards a wide range of accommodation and understanding of individuals’ needs. It’s helpful to remember to be kind and patient towards people who don’t understand your situation, 因为我们都在经历不同的生活.  


很多国家对谷蛋白敏感的人都很宽容, 但我在法国没有发现这种情况. 一般法国人的饮食中都含有面包, 饼干, 几乎每顿饭或零食里都有糕点, 他们对我所说的非常重视, “面包文化.” Baguette culture refers to the importance of a trip to a local bakery of choice to buy fresh baked bread for the day. 因为面包在法国非常受人尊敬, there’s sometimes almost a lack of comprehension towards people who may not be able to consume it. 在法国,麸质不耐受的人要少得多, which may be because of higher quality of ingredients or strict crop regulations, 但不幸的是, this means that a gluten-free lifestyle is still a bit foreign and underrepresented in the French food scene.  


一滴眼泪 & 分享面包! 我本来不知道为什么形状这么奇怪, but discovered it's made like this to walk and eat a baguette in portioned pieces… possibly with a friend! 


Here’s my recommendation for dining gluten-free in 法国: Choose restaurants that don’t serve traditionally French food. I know that sounds like strange advice for someone who wants to live in, 和经验, 法国, but 法国 is a food capital of the world—renowned for great chefs and centrally located as a culture hub for Europe and the Middle East. 如果法国菜不能满足你的需要, there are bound to be excellent restaurants nearby offering food from other cultures and regions of the world, 它们仍然是法国食品经济的一部分.  

A friend of mine and I bonded over trying restaurants in the 艾克斯 area and we set out with the common goal of “gluten-free and cheap!“我们尝试了越南菜。, 中东, 和印度菜, 所有这些都为我们提供了许多选择, 食物也很棒.  


法国确实有无麸质面包店! I like to think of them as rare gems… more valuable because they’re hidden and one of a kind. 通常每个大城市都有一个,所以当我去一个新的地方时, I do a Google Maps search for “sans gluten” and the treasure hunt begins! Access to these special boulangeries and patisseries isn’t a guarantee and sometimes requires walking the extra mile, which can be frustrating when there are regular bakeries on every street. 而不是因此而灰心丧气, 我很感激神奇的无麸质面包店的存在, 它们是独一无二的, 和高质量的!  

在法国,无麸质食品可能是一个机会 建立一个社区. 我很幸运有一个很棒的, celiac-friendly bakery that’s a ten-minute walk from my apartment called “La Manufacture Bio.“在我住在AIX的时候, 我大约每周出去两次,点两个法棍面包, 偶尔尝试一种新的糕点, 和经营店门的女士交谈. 我法语说得不流利, but she was patient and kind with me working towards communication and I’m appreciative of having a routine  based around exceptional bread and friendly faces. 





妈妈贝克 是无谷蛋白烘焙食品的自助面包店吗. 交叉污染. 我点了一份柑橘蔓越莓面包,吃得津津有味. 点击这里查看 13 Rue de lsampante, 06000 Nice.

Les Gasteliers 

Les Gasteliers 在法国里昂有一家漂亮的咖啡馆/面包店/糕点店吗. Celiac-friendly. I bought a ginormous pain au raisin and had to hold myself back from purchasing another. Their other pastry options were stunning so maybe stop in and try them all. 他们的地址是 里昂街123号,69006.


Les Gasteliers最美味的葡萄干痛. 

La Manufacture Bio 

在我看来, La Manufacture Bio 法国南部最好的无麸质面包店是哪一家. Celiac-friendly. The primary employees speak French, English, and Spanish and are exceptionally kind. I recommend their baguettes, pain au raisins, and brioches sucrées. 访问他们的网址: 普罗旺斯艾克斯13100号Courteissade街18号.


看一眼生物制造店的糕点货架. 走过去总是有东西吸引我的眼球.  


  • Macarons are a well-known French specialty that are always gluten-free. 它们是用杏仁粉做的,很好吃.  

  • In place of 法国’s love for biscuits and 饼干: rice cakes with a thin layer of dark chocolate, 哪一种可以在杂货店的饼干区找到.  

  • There usually is a very small gluten-free section in larger grocery stores, 问问员工去哪里找. 

  • 在法国,米粉是我最喜欢的意大利面替代品. They can be found in regular or Asian grocery stores and prepared however you enjoy pasta. 好吃。! 

Siah Potts 是普罗旺斯艾克斯的内容创造者-博主, 法国, and is currently studying at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.
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