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Social Psychology 巴塞罗那项目学习和宝博体育 Fall 2024 Semester

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Social Psychology



CEA CAPA合作机构: CEA CAPA巴塞罗那中心
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Primary Subject Area: Psychology
Instruction in: English
Course Code: PSY331BCN
Transcript Source: University of New Haven
Course Details: Level 300
推荐学分: 3
Contact Hours: 45
Prerequisites: Prior to enrollment, 本课程要求你完成一门普通心理学入门课程或同等课程.


本课程向学生介绍人类生活的社会心理研究,并着重于这一不断发展的学科的中心主题. To this end, 本课程探讨社会心理学领域的主要理论方法,并提供该领域当前的实践例子,以及课堂阅读和讨论中涵盖的核心概念的一些实际应用. 这包括课堂练习和对社会和媒体事件的历史分析. 理论探索, 结合实际经验, 是否能使学生吸收理论知识,并将其应用于与课程概念和学习目标相关的体验式学习活动.

The core objectives of this course are: to spark awareness of and appreciation for a subject at the crossroads of social interaction and individual identity; to provide an operational framework for using social psychology for generating insights into individual, intergroup and group phenomena and dynamics; to initiate students into the process of questioning and reflecting upon underlying psychosocial forces acting upon everyday life situations; to introduce students to the empirical methods used by social psychologists for extracting hidden meaning from commonplace social situations; and to provide students with conceptual methods and practical tools for managing daily social and psychological dilemmas.

分为六个不同的模块,涵盖了社会心理学学科的主要方面及其在当代现象中的应用, the course addresses: theoretical approaches and tools; self & identity; social influence; interpersonal relationships & diversity; group behavior; and self-presentation. Within these areas, 学生将在跨文化的框架内从事对他们感兴趣的特定主题的实地研究.


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